Featured Tours:

A walk through Dublin City in the company of a native Dubliner with the emphasis on history, culture and the great Irish ability to tell a story and to sing a song. 

Viking/Medieval Dublin

The origins of our city are intertwined with the arrival of fierce warriors from Scandinavia. They left an indelible mark on the city which still resonates to this day.

Great Churches and Cathedrals of Old Dublin

The narrative that is Old Dublin cannot be told without due veneration to its many places of worship, its many churches, and imposing cathedrals.

Georgian Dublin

It was Oscar Wilde who said, “I can resist everything except temptation“. I want to tempt you to join me in our Georgian tour that looks at the Dublin of Wilde, Joyce and Bernard Shaw.

Dublin in Rebellion

Our tour of Rebellion signifies and tells the story of a centuries-old struggle. We set the scene by recounting some of the ingredients that led to the penultimate battle.

Guinness Dublin

The Vikings made their home here and are accredited with laying the foundations of Dublin but Guinness is arguably the soul of the city and the people its embodiment.

The 1916 Rising, War of Independence and Civil War Tour

The 20th century will predominate our story, but we will also entertain you with some anecdotal tales of interesting characters and a taste of the classical architecture of Dublin.

Dublin in 5 Hours

Not only do we introduce you to some of our grand buildings on this tour with their fascinating history but we also introduce you to some of the colourful characters that have made Dublin famous.

  • Storytelling. Retelling some of the epic tales of Ireland complete with a musical selection and complementary Dublin wit.
  • If you can supply the venue we can supply the rest. 
Speaking of Bespoke tours...we can of course accommodate that.

Step-on Tours

We also provide Step-on Guiding Tours of the city and country. 

  • We also provide: Step-on Guiding Tours of the city and country.
  • Special Interests: Anything Irish but in particular  The Vikings, The Brehon Laws, Irish-Dutch connections and Dublin stories and characters and of course An teanga Gaeilge en de Nederlandse taal.
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